Fixed appliances: A fixed appliance is an electrical appliance which is connected to the electricity supply. It may be a fused outlet to which the flex is permanently connected. Some examples of fixed appliances are machine tools, cookers or electric ovens, hand dryers etc.
Stationary appliances: These are the appliances which cannot be easily moved from one place to another. These are refrigerators, window air conditioner, washing machines etc
Handheld appliance: A few typical examples of handheld appliances are gaming consoles, smartphones, tablets etc. They cannot be PAT tested; they consist of rechargeable batteries. It poses the threat of explosion at any time due to an imbalance of power. So any kind of charger and power cables should be tested for any defects.
IT appliance: It is necessary to test All IT Equipment that uses electricity(most of them). Testing is also needed for all networking equipment, detachable power cord and peripherals. This is to ensure full and proper safety.
Portable or movable appliance: A portable appliance is an appliance that can ‘be moved’ from one place to another. They are plugged in for use such as photocopy machines, printers, PCs etc.
The appliances stated above will need proper inspection and testing at regular intervals. Whether they are for domestic use or commercial it is mandatory to ensure their safety.