AutoCAD Programming Using C#.NET Level 7

AutoCAD Programming Using C#.NET Level 7


  • Gain a better understanding of the fundamentals of C# Programming
  • Learn the structure of AutoCAD .NET API
  • Learn to apply C# to manipulate AutoCAD Objects
  • Understand the framework of .NET
  •  Explore Visual Studio IDE 2017
  • Learn how to create your own AutoCAD Plugins


The AutoCAD Programming Using C#.NET Level 7 is the best way for you to gain deep insight and knowledge of this topic. You will learn from industry experts and obtain an accredited certificate after completing the course. Enrol now for a limited-time discounted price.

Like all the courses of One Education, this AutoCAD Programming Using C#.NET Level 7 is designed with the utmost attention and thorough research. All the topics are broken down into easy to understand bite-sized modules that help our learners to understand each lesson very easily.

We don’t just provide courses at One Education; we provide a rich learning experience. After purchasing a course from One Education, you get complete 1-year access with tutor support. 

Our expert instructors are always available to answer all your questions and make your learning experience exquisite.

After completing the AutoCAD Programming Using C#.NET Level 7, you will instantly get an e-certificate that will help you get jobs in the relevant field and will enrich your CV.

If you want to learn about this topic and achieve certifications, you should consider this AutoCAD Programming Using C#.NET Level 7 from One Education.

There are no hidden fees or exam charges. We are very upfront and clear about all the costs of the course.

Course design

The course is delivered through our online learning platform, accessible through any internet-connected device. There are no formal deadlines or teaching schedules, meaning you are free to study the course at your own pace.

You are taught through a combination of

  • Video lessons
  • Online study materials

Will I receive a certificate of completion?

Upon successful completion, you will qualify for the UK and internationally-recognised certification and you can choose to make your achievement formal by obtaining your PDF Certificate at a cost of £9 and Hard Copy Certificate for £15.

Why study this course

Whether you’re an existing practitioner or aspiring professional, this course will enhance your expertise and boost your CV with key skills and an accredited qualification attesting to your knowledge.

The AutoCAD Programming Using C#.NET Level 7 is open to all, with no formal entry requirements. All you need is a passion for learning, a good understanding of the English language, numeracy and IT, and to be over the age of 16.

Course Curriculum

Unit 01: Course Outline and Introduction
Module 01: Introduction 00:01:00
Module 02: Who is this course for? 00:01:00
Module 03: What Will I Learn from this Course? 00:01:00
Module 04: What is CSharp (C#)? 00:01:00
Module 05: What is AutoCAD .NET API? 00:01:00
Module 06: What are the advantages of programming in AutoCAD .NET API? 00:02:00
Unit 02: .Net Framework and Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition
Module 01: Section Overview 00:01:00
Module 02:.NET Framework Architecture Overview 00:03:00
Module 03: .NET Framework Class Library, Common Type System, Common Language Runtime 00:03:00
Module 04: More about.NET Framework Common Language Runtime (CLR) 00:02:00
Module 05: Visual Studio 2017 Integrated Development Environment (IDE) 00:03:00
Module 06: Visual Studio 2017 IDE Demo 00:07:00
Unit 03: C# Fundamentals
Module 01: Section Overview 00:03:00
Module 02: DataTypes and Variables – Value Types (signed/unsigned integers) 00:04:00
Module 03: DataTypes and Variables – Signed and Unsigned Integer Demo 00:06:00
Module 04: DataTypes and Variables – Floating Point and Decimal 00:02:00
Module 05: DataTypes and Variables – Floating Point and Decimal Demo 00:04:00
Module 06: DataTypes and Variables – Boolean 00:03:00
Module 07: DataTypes and Variables – Reference Types 00:03:00
Module 08: DataTypes and Variables – Class Type 00:03:00
Module 09: DataTypes and Variables – Class Type – Demo 00:11:00
Module 10: DataTypes and Variables – Interface Type 00:01:00
Module 11: DataTypes and Variables – Array Type 00:02:00
Module 12: DataTypes and Variables – Array Type – Demo (Single Dimension) 00:08:00
Module 13: DataTypes and Variables – Array Type – Demo (Multi Dimension) 00:10:00
Module 14: C# Operators Overview 00:02:00
Module 15: C# Assignment Operators 00:03:00
Module 16: C# Assignment Operators – Demo 00:06:00
Module 17: C# Unary Operators 00:02:00
Module 18: C# Unary Operators – Demo 00:02:00
Module 19: C# Primary Operators 00:03:00
Module 20: C# Primary Operators – Demo 00:07:00
Module 21: C# Equality Operators 00:01:00
Module 22: C# Equality Operators – Demo 00:02:00
Module 23: C# Additive Operators 00:02:00
Module 24: C# Additive Operators – Demo 00:01:00
Module 25: C# Multiplicative Operators 00:01:00
Module 26: C# Multiplicative Operators – Demo 00:01:00
Module 27: C# – Relational and Type Operators 00:04:00
Module 28: C# – Logical, Conditional and Null Operators 00:04:00
Module 29: C# – Logical, Conditional and Null Operators – Demo 00:07:00
Module 30: C# Keywords (Reserved Words) 00:04:00
Module 31: C# – Conditionals Overview 00:01:00
Module 32: C# Conditionals – If-Then-Else Statement 00:03:00
Module 33: C# Conditionals – If-Then-Else Statement – Demo 00:07:00
Module 34: C# Conditionals – Switch Statement 00:03:00
Module 35: C# Conditionals – Switch Statement – Demo 00:04:00
Module 36: C# – Loops Overview 00:04:00
Module 37: C# Loops – For Loop 00:02:00
Module 38: C# Loops – For Loop – Demo 00:02:00
Module 39: C# Loops – Foreach Loop 00:02:00
Module 40: C# Loops – Foreach Loop – Demo 00:05:00
Module 41: C# Loops – While Loop 00:02:00
Module 42: C# Loops – While Loop – Demo 00:02:00
Module 43: C# Loops – Do While Loop 00:02:00
Module 44: C# Loops – Do While Loop – Demo 00:03:00
Module 45: Modifiers Overview 00:04:00
Module 46: Debugging Overview 00:03:00
Module 47: Debugging – Demo 1 00:05:00
Module 48: Debugging – Demo 2 00:12:00
Module 49: Debugging – Demo 3 00:06:00
Module 50: Error and Exception Handling – Overview 00:02:00
Module 51: ExceptionHandling – Demo 1 00:07:00
Module 52: ExceptionHandling – Demo 2 00:07:00
Module 53: ExceptionHandling – Demo 3 00:13:00
Module 54: Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (OOP) 00:04:00
Module 55: OOP – Encapsulation – Demo (Part 1) 00:11:00
Module 56: OOP – Encapsulation – Demo (Part 2) 00:12:00
Module 57: OOP – Inheritance – Demo (Part 1) 00:07:00
Module 58: OOP – Inheritance – Demo (Part 2) 00:05:00
Module 59: OOP – Polymorphism – Demo (Part 1) 00:10:00
Module 60: OOP – Polymorphism – Demo (Part 2) 00:03:00
Unit 04: Exploring AutoCAD .NET API
Module 01: AutoCAD .NET API – Overview 00:01:00
Module 02: AutoCAD .NET API Assemblies 00:02:00
Module 03: Using AutoCAD .NET API in C# – Hello AutoCAD Demo Part 1 00:12:00
Module 04: Using AutoCAD .NET API in C# – Hello AutoCAD Demo – Part 2 00:04:00
Module 05: AutoCAD .NET API Object Hierarchy 00:03:00
Module 06: AutoCAD .NET API – Application Object Overview 00:03:00
Module 07: AutoCAD .NET API – Document Object Overview 00:03:00
Module 08: AutoCAD .NET API – Database Object Overview 00:03:00
Unit 05: Creating AutoCAD Objects using AutoCAD .NET API
Module 01: Creating AutoCAD Objects using AutoCAD .NET API – Overview 00:01:00
Module 02: Creating a Line Object – Lab (Part 1) 00:14:00
Module 03: Creating a Line Object – Lab (Part 2) 00:03:00
Module 04: Creating a MText Object – Lab 00:10:00
Module 05: Creating a Circle Object – Lab 00:07:00
Module 06: Creating an Arc Object – Lab 00:05:00
Module 07: Creating a LWPolyline Object – Lab 00:05:00
Unit 06: Manipulate AutoCAD Objects
Module 01: Manipulate AutoCAD Objects – Overview 00:01:00
Module 02: Copy Object using C# – Theory 00:01:00
Module 03: Copy Object using C# – Lab (Part 1) 00:11:00
Module 04: Copy Object using C# – Lab (Part 2) 00:02:00
Module 05: Copy multiple objects using C# – Lab (Part 1) 00:09:00
Module 06: Copy multiple objects using C# – Lab (Part 2) 00:01:00
Module 07: Erase Object using C# – Lab (Part 1) 00:06:00
Module 08: Erase Object using C# – Lab (Part 2) 00:05:00
Module 09: Move Object using C# – Lab (Part 1) 00:06:00
Module 10: Move Object using C# – Lab (Part 2) 00:02:00
Module 11: Mirror Object using C# – Lab (Part 1) 00:10:00
Module 12: Mirror Object using C# – Lab (Part 2) 00:02:00
Module 13: Rotate Object using C# – Lab (Part 1) 00:07:00
Module 14: Rotate Object using C# – Lab (Part 2) 00:03:00
Module 15: Scale Object using C# – Lab 00:05:00
Module 16: Copy Object Exercise 00:02:00
Module 17: Copy Object Solution 00:06:00
Module 18: Erase Object Exercise 00:02:00
Module 19: Erase Object Solution 00:07:00
Module 20: Move Object Exercise 00:02:00
Module 21: Move Object Solution 00:06:00
Module 22: Mirror Object Exercise 00:02:00
Module 23: Mirror Object Solution 00:06:00
Module 24: Rotate Object Exercise 00:02:00
Module 25: Rotate Object Solution 00:06:00
Module 26: Scale Object Exercise 00:01:00
Module 27: Scale Object Solution 00:05:00
Unit 07: Exploring AutoCAD Dictionaries (Layers, LineTypes, TextStyles)
Module 01: Exploring AutoCAD Dictionaries – Layers Overview 00:03:00
Module 02: Listing all the Layers in the drawing using C# 00:11:00
Module 03: Creating a Layer in AutoCAD using C# 00:09:00
Module 04: Updating a Layer in AutoCAD using C# 00:09:00
Module 05: Turning the Layer On/Off in AutoCAD using C# 00:05:00
Module 06: Thawing/Freezing Layer in AutoCAD using C# 00:04:00
Module 07: Deleting a Layer in AutoCAD using C# 00:03:00
Module 08: Locking/UnLocking a Layer in AutoCAD using C# 00:05:00
Module 09: Assigning a Layer to an AutoCAD object using C# 00:03:00
Module 10: Exploring AutoCAD Dictionaries – LineTypes Overview 00:01:00
Module 11: Listing all the LineTypes in the drawing using C# 00:07:00
Module 12: Loading a LineType in the drawing using C# 00:07:00
Module 13: Setting the Current LineType in AutoCAD using C# 00:03:00
Module 14: Deleting a LineType in AutoCAD using C# 00:03:00
Module 15: Setting a LineType to an object using C# 00:04:00
Module 16: Exploring AutoCAD Dictionaries – TextStyles Overview 00:01:00
Module 17: Listing all the TextStyles in the drawing using C# 00:08:00
Module 18: Updating current TextStyle Font in AutoCAD using C# 00:10:00
Module 19: Setting the Current TextStyle in AutoCAD using C# 00:08:00
Module 20: Setting a TextStyle to an object using C# 00:04:00
Unit 08: User Input Functions
Module 01: User Input Functions Overview 00:01:00
Module 02: Using GetString Method – Lab (Part 1) 00:13:00
Module 03: Using GetString Method – Lab (Part 2) 00:10:00
Module 04: Using GetPoint Method – Lab 00:12:00
Module 05: Using GetDistance Method – Lab 00:04:00
Module 06: Using GetKeyWords Method – Lab (Part 1) 00:12:00
Module 07: Using GetKeyWords Method – Lab (Part 2) 00:02:00
Unit 09: Selection Sets and Filters
Module 01: Selection Sets and Filters – Overview 00:02:00
Module 02: Using SelectAll Method – Lab (Part 1) 00:11:00
Module 03: Using SelectAll Method – Lab (Part 2) 00:02:00
Module 04: Using SelectOnScreen Method – Lab (Part 1) 00:06:00
Module 05: Using SelectOnScreen Method – Lab (Part 2) 00:01:00
Module 06: Using SelectWindow Method – Lab 00:08:00
Module 07: Using SelectCrossingWindow Method – Lab 00:08:00
Module 08: Using SelectFence Method – Lab 00:08:00
Module 09: Using PickFirstSelection Method – Lab 00:11:00
Module 10: Using SelectionSet Filters – Overview 00:01:00
Module 11: Using SelectionSet Filters – Selecting Lines 00:09:00
Module 12: Using SelectionSet Filters – Selecting MTexts Lab 00:07:00
Module 13: Using SelectionSet Filters – Selecting Polylines Lab 00:03:00
Module 14: Using SelectionSet Filters – Selecting Blocks (FrenchDoors) Lab 00:07:00
Module 15: Using SelectionSet Filters – Selecting Blocks (BiFoldDoors) Lab 00:04:00
Module 16: Using SelectionSet Filters – Selecting objects in a Layer (Walls) Lab 00:07:00
Module 17: Using SelectionSet Filters – Selecting all objects in a Layer (Stairs) Lab 00:05:00
Module 18: Using SelectionSets and Filters – Exercises 00:02:00
Unit 10: Developing Title Block Project - Hands On!
Module 01: TitleBlock Project – Overview 00:05:00
Module 02: Creating Project and TBlock Class – Lab 00:14:00
Module 03: Creating Classes for each Paper Sizes – Lab 00:07:00
Module 04: Creating TitleBlock Class – Lab 00:14:00
Module 05: Handling User Selected Paper Size – Lab 00:05:00
Module 06: Creating the TitleBlock Border Lines – Lab 00:06:00
Module 07: Creating the Horizontal Partition Lines – Lab (Part 1) 00:11:00
Module 08: Creating the Horizontal Partition Lines – Lab (Part 2) 00:05:00
Module 09: Creating Vertical Partition Lines – Lab 00:11:00
Module 10: Project Check on the Partition Lines – Lab 00:07:00
Module 11: Creating the TitleBlock Labels – Lab (Part 1) 00:10:00
Module 12: Creating the TitleBlock Labels – Lab (Part 2) 00:09:00
Module 13: Creating the TitleBlock Labels – Lab (Part 3) 00:11:00
Module 14: Project Check on the Labels 00:07:00
Module 15: Creating Drawing Information Texts 00:08:00
Module 16: Debugging the TitleBlock Project – Lab 00:10:00
Module 17: Completing and Running the TitleBlock Plugin 00:05:00
Module 18: Audit Drawing Project – Overview 00:02:00
Module 19: Audit Drawing Project – Demo 00:07:00
Module 20: Creating the AuditDrawing Project 00:11:00
Module 21: Creating the AuditDrawing DisplayOnScreen Method 00:14:00
Module 22: Creating the AuditDrawing Write to TXT File Method 00:08:00
Module 23: Creating the AuditDrawing Write to CSV File Method 00:06:00
Module 24: Creating the AuditDrawing Write to HTML File Method 00:14:00
Module 25: AuditDrawing Plugin Demo 00:04:00
Module 26: Creating the AuditBlock Method 00:05:00
Module 27: Creating the AuditBlock GatherBlocksAndCount Method 00:16:00
Module 28: Creating the AuditBlock DisplayOnScreen Method 00:06:00
Module 29: Creating the AuditBlock WriteToTXTFile Method 00:05:00
Module 30: Creating the AuditBlock WriteToCSVFile Method 00:05:00
Module 31: Creating the AuditBlock WriteToHTMLFile Method 00:07:00
Module 32: AuditBlock Completed Component – Demo 00:12:00
Unit 11: Conclusion
Module 01: Conclusion 00:01:00
Assignment – AutoCAD Programming Using C#.NET Level 7 00:00:00

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