Primary Teacher Training

Endure students with energy, passion, patience, and resilience whilst revealing a primary teacher’s hallmarks.

Primary Teaching: A teacher engaging with a group of young students in a classroom setting, fostering an interactive and inclusive learning environment.


This online Primary Teacher Training course is perfect for the aspiring primary teachers as well as for the teachers who are already working in the field of primary education.

With this course, you’ll develop your understanding of the qualities required for working with children in primary schools. Learn the effective methods to help the children to develop skills which will lay the foundation for future learning.

You’ll be introduced to the principles that will help you to develop schemes of work and lesson plans in line with curriculum objectives. Learn the methods of contemporary teaching, establishing a relationship with pupils, keeping your learning resources organised and creating a positive learning environment in the classroom and contribute towards the growth of the society.

In addition to all of that, learn to teach pupils in a more efficient and productive manner by developing and fostering the required skills and social abilities that sequentially promote the optimum growth of children.

After gaining experience and expertise, particularly skilled classroom teachers in England and Wales can, where the opportunities exist, apply to go on to become a leading practitioner. Schools now have the freedom to create higher-salary posts for teachers whose primary purpose is modelling and leading improvement of teaching skills. Salaries in this bracket start at £39,374, potentially rising to over £100,000.

What you'll learn

Course Design

The course is delivered through our online learning platform, accessible through any internet-connected device. There are no formal deadlines or teaching schedules, meaning you are free to study the course at your own pace.

You are taught through a combination of


After completing this course's assessment, you will be eligible for:

OE Certificate@2x-100 (1) (1) (1)

The CPD QS accredited certificate is available in PDF format, at the cost of £9, or a hard copy can be sent to you via post, at the cost of £15.

You can Order Your CPD QS Accredited Certificate from here.

Why study this course?

Whether you’re an existing practitioner or aspiring professional, this course will enhance your expertise and boost your CV with key skills and an accredited qualification attesting to your knowledge.

The Primary Teacher Training is open to all, with no formal entry requirements. All you need is a passion for learning, a good understanding of the English language, numeracy and IT, and to be over the age of 16.

Course Curriculum

Primary Teacher Training ( Updated Materials )
Primary Education in the UK 00:17:00
Responsibilities, Qualifications and Skills 00:16:00
Initial Teacher Training 00:23:00
Types of Schools in the UK 00:15:00
Importance of Early Years in Development 00:19:00
EYFS Teaching Techniques 00:14:00
Child Development 00:13:00
Teaching Primary English 00:29:00
Teaching Primary Mathematics 00:37:00
Teaching Primary Science, Design and Technology 00:30:00
Teaching Other Primary Subjects 00:28:00
Children Having Special Education Needs or Disabilities 00:16:00
EYFS Framework in 2021 00:12:00
Self-Management and Dealing with Stress 00:15:00
Primary Teacher Training ( Previous Materials )
***Primary Education***
Structure of Primary Education in England 00:20:00
The Importance of Education in Early Childhood 00:05:00
Why is Education Important? 00:15:00
Key Benefits of Early Childhood Education 00:15:00
The Importance of Parent Involvement in Early Childhood Education 00:05:00
How education affects early childhood development? 00:15:00
Qualities of a Good Early Childhood Teacher 00:05:00
The Role of the Early Years Teacher 00:15:00
Working with Young Children 00:45:00
Teaching Kids Life Skills at an Early Age 00:15:00
Teach Preschool Kids to Count 00:15:00
Setting Up a Reward System for Children 00:15:00
Teach New Skills by Acting out Scenes 00:05:00
Teach Kids about their Feelings 00:05:00
Teaching Self-Care Skills to Children with Special Needs 00:15:00
Teach Your Kids Time Management Skills 00:30:00
Requirements, Qualifications and Useful Skills 00:05:00
The Early Years Framework 00:30:00
Understanding the EYFS Framework 00:05:00
A Fair and Flexible Framework 00:05:00
Regulation of Learning and Development 00:15:00
The Learning and Development Requirements 00:30:00
The Early Learning Goals 00:15:00
The Characteristics of Effective Learning 00:30:00
The EYFS Curriculum Design 00:05:00
Learning and Teaching Through Play 00:30:00
Playful Learning and Playful Teaching 00:15:00
Teaching Methods 00:15:00
Strategies for 21st Century Early Childhood Teachers 00:15:00
Creating an Enabling Environment 00:30:00
Innovative Ideas to Make Your Teaching Methods More Effective 00:15:00
***Key Stage 1 & 2 Teaching***
Word Level
Module 1: Early Phonics & Alphabet 00:30:00
Module 2: CVC 00:15:00
Module 3: Blends 01:00:00
Module 4: Vowel Phonemes 00:30:00
Module 5: Other Phonics 00:15:00
B. Spelling & Phonics (Part 2)
Module 1: Prefixes 00:05:00
Module 2: Double Consonants 00:15:00
C. Spelling & Phonics (Part 3)
Module 1: Plurals 00:30:00
Module 2: Compound Words 00:15:00
Module 3: Common Words 01:00:00
Module 4: Spelling and Rhyme 00:15:00
Module 5: Spelling Strategies 00:15:00
D. Alphabetical Order
Alphabetical Order 00:30:00
E. Dictionary Skills
Dictionary Skills 00:30:00
F. Synonyms & Thesaurus Work
Module 1: Synonyms 00:30:00
Module 2: Thesaurus 00:15:00
G. Language Extension (Proverbs and Idioms)
Module 1: Proverbs 00:15:00
Module 2: Idioms 00:30:00
Module 3: Metaphorical Expressions 00:15:00
Sentence Level
A. Nouns & Adjectives
Module 1: Nouns & Adjectives 01:00:00
B. Verbs & Adverbs
Module 1: Verbs 00:15:00
Module 2: Adverbs 00:30:00
C. Writing Basic Sentences
C. Writing Basic Sentences 00:30:00
D. Collective Nouns
D. Collective Nouns 00:15:00
A. General
Module 1: Miscellaneous 00:30:00
Module 2. Planning & Assessment 00:30:00
B. Numbers and the Number System
Module 1: Counting 01:00:00
Module 2: Patterns & Number Sequences 00:15:00
Module 3: Ordering and Comparing Numbers 00:05:00
Module 4: Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages 01:00:00
Module 5: Properties of Numbers 01:00:00
Module 6: Place Value 00:30:00
Module 7: Rounding, Approximating & Estimating 00:15:00
Module 8: Ratio and Proportion 00:15:00
C. Calculations
Module 1: Addition & Subtraction 01:00:00
Module 2: Doubling and Halving 00:05:00
Module 3: Using a Calculator 00:10:00
D. Solving Problems
Module1: Word & Real Life Problems 00:10:00
Module 2: Money Problems 01:00:00
E. Measures, Shape & Space
Module 1: Length or Distance 00:15:00
Module 2. Capacity or Volume 00:15:00
Module 3: 2D Shapes 00:05:00
Module 4: Position and Direction 00:15:00
Module 5: Time 00:30:00
A. Scientific Enquiry
Module 1: Investigative Skills 00:15:00
B. Life Processes and Living Things
Module 1: Life Processes – Worksheets 00:15:00
Module 2: Humans and other Animals 00:30:00
Module 3: Green Plants 00:30:00
Module 4: Variation and Classification 00:15:00
Module 5: Living Things in Their Environment 00:15:00
C. Materials and their Properties
Module 1: Grouping and Classifying Materials 00:30:00
Module 2: Changing Materials 00:30:00
Module 3: Rocks and Soils 00:15:00
Module 4: Separating Mixtures of Materials 00:15:00
D. Physical Processes
Module 1: Electricity 00:30:00
Module 2: Forces and Motion 00:15:00
Module 3: Light and Sound 00:30:00
Module 4: The Earth and beyond 00:15:00
Module 1: General 00:15:00
Module 2: Word Processing, DTP and Graphics 00:15:00
Module 3: CD-ROMS, Internet & Email 00:15:00
ART & DESIGN 00:15:00
Module 1: Maps and Plans 00:15:00
Module 2: Local Studies & Contrasting UK Locality 00:15:00
Module 3: Transport, Weather & Tourism 00:30:00
Module 4: Mountains and Rivers 00:30:00
Module 5: Around the World 00:15:00
Module 1: Famous People 00:15:00
Module 2: The Tudors 00:15:00
Assignment – Primary Teacher Training 00:00:00
Mock Exam
Mock Exam – Primary Teacher Training 00:20:00
Final Exam
Final Exam – Primary Teacher Training 00:20:00

With a team of industry professionals producing and delivering our course content, you can be sure the skills and knowledge you learn are applicable to your career aspirations, whether that’s in management, administration or beyond.

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