British Sign Language (BSL) Level 1 & 2


British Sign Language Course Description

Do you have a loved one who is deaf or hard of hearing? Are you looking to learn BSL to expand your career opportunities? This Accredited British Sign Language Course covers level 1 & 2 of BSL training, ideal for beginners and those with very basic BSL skills. You’ll gain the knowledge and confidence to participate in everyday conversations, learning how to greet others, ask for directions, describe your interests, and other key topics.

This British Sign Language course will also help you to build your BSL vocabulary and will take you through the grammatical structures and features of BSL. Through the guidance of an expert and specialist audio-visual material, you’ll learn how to sign the alphabet and names with clarity, using the correct hand shapes, gestures and movements, with the help of audio subtitles and voice-overs.

By the end of the course, you’ll have an excellent grasp of everyday BSL, as well as the deaf community as a whole, equipping you with the skills to progress to a level 3 course.

Support the deaf community and learn BSL in the fastest, most effective way, with this introductory course.

What you'll learn


one education Certificate

After completing the British Sign Language Course assessment, you will qualify for a CPD certified certificate from One Education to showcase your achievement.

The certificate is available in two formats: a PDF version, which costs £9, or a printed hard copy that can be delivered to you by post for £15.

Order Your CPD Certified British Sign Language Course Certificate

Who is This British Sign Language Course for?

This British Sign Language online course applies to the following:

Career Path

This certificate in British Sign Language (BSL) Level 1 & 2 can be used to add value to your CV with new skills and credentials. Career opportunities in this field include the following:

Course Curriculum

British Sign language (BSL) Level 1 Online Course
Introduction to BSL  FREE 00:04:00
Alphabet Finger spelling and Names Practice
Alphabet with 00:01:00
 Alphabet 00:01:00
Fingerspelling test  00:01:00
Fingerspelling replay 00:01:00
 Names test  00:04:00
Names replay 00:04:00
Greetings 00:05:00
Greetings without voice try these yourself  00:04:00
Family, question forms and family story
Family Vocabulary 00:02:00
Family vocabulary test your memory  00:03:00
Question forms 00:01:00
Question forms test your memory 00:01:00
Family story test 00:03:00
Family Story Recap How did you do  00:03:00
Rooms in the house vocabulary
Rooms in the house Vocabulary 00:02:00
Kitchen Vocabulary  00:02:00
Bathroom Vocabulary 00:01:00
Bedroom Vocabulary 00:01:00
Living room and Dining room Vocabulary 00:02:00
Study Vocabulary  00:01:00
Utility room Vocabulary 00:01:00
Garden Vocabulary  00:01:00
Colours 00:01:00
 Colours test yourself  00:01:00
Questions and statements about the home
 Questions and statements about home test 00:01:00
Questions and statements about the home replay were you right 00:01:00
Animal Vocabulary  00:03:00
Animal vocab replay test your knowledge  00:03:00
 Short animal story  00:01:00
Short animal story replay were you right  00:01:00
Animal and pet questions  00:01:00
Animal and pet question replay were you right  00:01:00
Numbers and Money
Numbers 1-30  00:02:00
Numbers 1-30 replay without voice test yourself  00:02:00
Numbers 10’s, 100’s 00:01:00
 Numbers 10’s, 100’s replay without voice test yourself 00:01:00
Mixed number test 00:01:00
Mixed number test replay  00:01:00
Money £1 – £20 00:01:00
Money £1 – £20 replay test your knowledge 00:01:00
Mixed money test  00:01:00
Mixed money test replay  00:01:00
Time and Months of the Year
Time 1 o’clock to 12 o’clock 00:01:00
Days of the week  00:01:00
Months of the year 00:01:00
Time periods 00:02:00
Time periods replay test your knowledge  00:02:00
Describing Ages
Describing ages  00:01:00
Describing ages replay without voice test your knowledge  00:01:00
Number and ages phrase test 00:02:00
Number & Ages phrase test replay 00:02:00
Mixed time, ages and money test 00:03:00
Mixed time, ages, and money test replay 00:03:00
Weather Vocabulary 00:02:00
Weather vocab without voice test your understanding  00:02:00
Weather phrase test 00:04:00
Weather phrase test replay 00:02:00
Transport Vocabulary 00:04:00
Transport vocabulary without subtitles – test yourself  00:04:00
Transport phrases without subtitles 00:03:00
Transport phrases replay with subtitles  00:03:00
Directions Vocabulary  00:02:00
Directions vocabulary without subtitles test yourself  00:02:00
Direction phrases test without subtitles  00:03:00
Direction phrases replay with subtitles  00:03:00
Hobbies Vocabulary  00:03:00
Hobbies vocabulary without subtitles test yourself 00:03:00
Hobbies phrases test  00:04:00
Hobbies phrases replay with subtitles  00:04:00
Work Vocabulary  00:05:00
Work vocabulary without subtitles test yourself  00:05:00
Work phrases test  00:04:00
Work phrases replay with subtitles  00:04:00
Food and Drink
Food and Drink Vocabulary 00:08:00
Food and drink without subtitles 00:08:00
Food and drink phrases without subtitles  00:04:00
Food and Drink phrases replay with subtitles  00:04:00
Dialogues No Voice No Subtitles
The broken car 00:02:00
Tom’s 18th Birthday Party 00:03:00
New House 00:05:00
At the bank without 00:01:00
On a train 00:02:00
Going to a restaurant without 00:02:00
Going on a picnic without 00:02:00
Job interview day 00:01:00
Horse riding without 00:09:00
I’m lost and need directions 00:01:00
Valentine’s Day 00:04:00
A day in hospital without 00:01:00
Learning to drive 00:02:00
Meeting up with the family 00:01:00
Dialogues with voice and subtitles
The broken car 00:02:00
Tom’s 18th birthday party 00:02:00
New house 00:02:00
At the bank 00:01:00
On a train 00:02:00
Going to a restaurant 00:02:00
Going on a picnic 00:02:00
Job interview day 00:02:00
Horse riding 00:01:00
I’m lost and need directions 00:01:00
Valentines Day 00:01:00
A day in hospital 00:02:00
Learning to drive 00:03:00
School reunion 00:02:00
Meeting up with the family 00:02:00
Bonus 5 Stories with voice and subtitles
Tom’s 18th Birthday Party 00:03:00
New house 00:05:00
On a Train 00:05:00
Valentines day 00:04:00
Learning to drive 00:03:00
Bonus 5 stories with no voice over
Tom’s 18th Birthday Party 00:03:00
New House 00:05:00
On a train 00:04:00
Valentine’s Day 00:04:00
Learning to drive 00:03:00
Level 2 British Sign Language
Family Vocabulary
Family Vocabulary No Voice over  00:03:00
Family 00:02:00
Describing People and Animals
Describing People No Voice Over  00:01:00
Describing People 00:01:00
Ethnic Groups No Voice Over  00:01:00
Ethnic Groups  00:01:00
Religion No Voice Over  00:01:00
Religion 00:01:00
Clothes No Voice Over 00:02:00
Clothes 00:02:00
Colour No Voice Over  00:01:00
Colours 00:01:00
Feelings No Voice Over 00:01:00
Feelings 00:01:00
Feelings 2 No Voice Over  00:01:00
Feelings 2 00:01:00
Animals No Voice Over 00:01:00
Animals 00:01:00
Activities at School
Activities At School No Voice Over 00:01:00
Activities At School 00:01:00
People Who Work In Schools No Voice Over  00:01:00
People Who Work In Schools 00:01:00
School Vocabulary No Voice Over  00:02:00
School Vocabulary  00:02:00
Subjects No Voice Over  00:01:00
Subjects  00:01:00
School Vocabulary 2 No Voice Over 00:01:00
School Vocabulary 2  00:01:00
Jobs and activities at work
Jobs No Voice Over  00:02:00
Jobs 00:02:00
Applying For Work No Voice Over  00:01:00
Applying For Work 00:01:00
Office No Voice Over  00:01:00
Office 00:01:00
Firm No Voice Over 00:01:00
Firm 00:01:00
Meetings No Voice Over  00:01:00
Meetings 00:01:00
Time Vocabulary No Voice Over  00:02:00
Time Vocabulary 00:02:00
Activities in the home
Activities In The Home No Voice Over 00:01:00
Activities In The Home  00:01:00
Go Out To Work no Voice Over  00:01:00
Go Out To Work  00:01:00
Do The Washing No Voice Over  00:01:00
Do The Washing 00:01:00
Flats No Voice over  00:01:00
Flat 00:01:00
Leisure activities
Leisure Activities No Voice Over 00:01:00
Leisure Activities  00:01:00
Hobbies No Voice Over 00:01:00
Hobbies 00:01:00
Going Out No Voice Over  00:01:00
Going Out 00:01:00
Plan Tickets No Voice Over  00:01:00
Plan 00:01:00
DIY No Voice Over 00:01:00
DIY 00:01:00
Opinions Likes and Dislikes
Attitudes And Opinions No Voice Over 00:02:00
Attitudes And Opinions 00:02:00
Opinions No Voice Over  00:01:00
Opinions 00:01:00
Illnesses and Health
Illnesses No Voice Over 00:01:00
Illnesses  00:01:00
Treatment No Voice Over 00:01:00
Treatment 00:01:00
Eating and Drinking
Eating And Drinking Vocabulary No Voice Over  00:01:00
Eating And Drinking 00:01:00
Drinks No Voice Over 00:01:00
Drinks  00:01:00
Cereal No Voice Over 00:01:00
Cereal 00:01:00
Fruit No Voice Over  00:01:00
Fruit  00:01:00
5Veg No Voice Over 00:01:00
Vegetables  00:01:00
Main Meal No Voice Over 00:01:00
Main Meal  00:01:00
Sweets No Voice Over  00:01:00
Sweets  00:01:00
Hot Food And Drink No Voice Over 00:01:00
Hot Food-Drinks  00:01:00
Payment No Voice Over  00:01:00
Payment 00:01:00
Shopping and Spending
Shopping And Spending No Voice Over 00:02:00
Shopping And Spending 00:02:00
Expensive No Voice Over 00:04:00
Expensive 00:01:00
Shops No Voice Over  00:01:00
Shops 00:02:00
Travel and Holidays
Travel And Holidays No Voice Over  00:01:00
Travel And Holidays 00:01:00
Travelling No Voice Over  00:01:00
Travelling 00:01:00
Vehicles No Voice Over 00:02:00
Vehicles  00:02:00
Directions No Voice Over  00:01:00
Directions 00:01:00
Going Abroad No Voice Over 00:01:00
Going Abroad  00:01:00
Breakdown No Voice Over  00:01:00
Breakdown 00:01:00
Places No Voice Over  00:03:00
Places 00:02:00
Holidays No Voice Over  00:01:00
Holidays 00:01:00
Hotel No Voice Over  00:01:00
Hotel 00:01:00
Beach No Voice Over 00:01:00
Beach 00:01:00
Complaints No Voice Over 00:01:00
Complaints And Compliments 00:01:00
Excellent No Voice Over  00:01:00
Excellent 00:01:00
Level 2 dialogues without voice and subtitles
The Broken Leg 00:02:00
Surprise Holiday 00:02:00
It’s Snowing 00:01:00
Shopping 00:02:00
Taking The Dog For A Walk 00:01:00
First Day At New a Job 00:02:00
On The Beach 00:02:00
First Day At School 00:04:00
In The Park 00:01:00
On a Plane 00:01:00
At The Doctors 00:03:00
Pets 00:01:00
Family 00:02:00
My New Kitchen 00:02:00
Designing a New Garden 00:02:00
Level 2 Dialogues with voice over and subtitles
The Broken Leg 00:02:00
Surprise Holiday 00:02:00
Snowing 00:01:00
Shopping 00:02:00
Taking My Dog For a Walk 00:01:00
First Day At a New Job 00:02:00
On The Beach 00:02:00
First Day At School 00:01:00
In The Park 00:01:00
On a Plane 00:01:00
 At the Doctors 00:03:00
Pets 00:02:00
Family 00:02:00
My New Kitchen 00:02:00
Designing a New Garden 00:02:00
5 stories with no voice over and no subtitles
First day at School 00:04:00
Taking the dog for a walk 00:04:00
At the Doctors 00:03:00
First Pet 00:03:00
Designing a New Garden 00:03:00
5 stories with voice over and subtitles
First Day at School  00:04:00
Taking the Dog For a Walk 00:04:00
At the Doctors 00:03:00
First Pet 00:04:00
Designing a New Garden 00:03:00
level 2 BSL dialogues and stories
level 2 BSL dialogues and story package 00:07:00
Order Your Certificate
Order Your Certificate Now 00:00:00

Elizabeth Ryan says:

Review: Enjoyed this course. Well presented and easy to understand

Richard Daish says:

Review: I learnt BSL level 1 about 20 years ago. I thought I had forgotten what I had learned, but I was surprised that I remembered a good amount and had a refresher. So to move to level 2 was fantastic. I'll probably forget most of it as I find you need to practice BSL regularly. Great course, easily learned and remembered. Would recommend this to anyone interested in learning.

Grace Coles says:

Review: I didn't think I can get such a good course at this low price. Looking forward to the next one.

Isabel Ball says:

Review: The course is worth the money. Though I faced some technical issues, the customer care was very helpful.

Daniel Ross says:

Review: The best course to learn BSL from the start. I suggest this course to all the beginners.

With a team of industry professionals producing and delivering our course content, you can be sure the skills and knowledge you learn are applicable to your career aspirations, whether that’s in management, administration or beyond.

Copyright © 2025 One Education © Edukators London Ltd.

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