The 6 Cs of Care
What makes a difference in professional caregiving is compassion and communication. With this, we come to the 6 C’s of care.
1. Care
For any business providing care, it is our core business and that of our organisations, and the care you deliver helps the individual and improves the overall health of the whole community. Because caring defines us and our work. People receiving care expect it to be catered to, consistently, throughout every stage of life making caregiving an exceptional challenge.
2. Compassion
Care is given through relationships based on dignity, respect and empathy – it can also be described as a form of intelligent kindness, and is central to how people perceive care.
3. Competence
Competence is necessary to update your knowledge and skills regularly, as well as knowing your limits whilst working as an agency nurse. It would be best if you only undertake work that you feel competent and confident in carrying out. Our worker’s competence is evidenced by our compliance requirements, so we ask you to keep us updated with staff evaluations, feedback and training. All this is done to ensure the highest standard of care for each patient.
4. Communication
To build caring relationships and conduct team efforts in healthcare communication skills are crucial. And it’s not just about being a good listener to your patient either, your record keeping and documentation of patients reports must be immaculate, especially if you are working with that patient on a temporary basis.
5. Courage
It may seem unheard of but sometimes, to really care for a person it takes a bit of courage. You’ll need to have the mentality to voice your concerns and opinions. Moreover, the strength of your personality and courage will determine whether you will be able to thrive in new working conditions and take necessary actions.
6. Commitment
Being a healthcare professional is a commitment. You will always be looked up to as a standard of discipline and dedication both in your workplace and personal life. In your line of work, uphold that model and follow the code of conduct. But even before that, you are committed to providing constant and utmost care to your patients.
The season of giving has begun, and people everywhere are looking for ways to join in the self-sacrificing spirit. But those working in healthcare dedicate their time and compassion to their patients year-round! Regardless of their specific field. Regardless of their specific field, delivering care with compassion and empathy is vital to all healthcare workers.
Especially for certified anesthesiologist assistants (CAAs) as the entire field of anaesthesiology is based around the compassionate act of managing pain and anxiety associated with surgery. CAAs need to be aware of their patient’s condition and comfort level before, during, and after the operation.

How to show fellow feelings for your patients
At this point, let’s get some advice on how to show fellow feelings for your patients.
Practice good manners
This may seem like common sense, but actually, a lot depends on your manners and appearance. Often in a time of emergency, your warmth and cordiality will dictate the overall temperament of the situation. So always try to smile and look into their eyes when you talk to them, even if you are in a rush. Have the practice of introducing yourself and briefly explaining what you do to every new patient. This helps keep your patients assured and informed. Refrain from showing anxiety or impatience, as your patients will soon pick up on that energy. So if you tend to fidget, you should try getting out of that habit. Your body language should be calm and welcoming, so your patients and their family members readily rely on you.