NCFE Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training

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Level up your teaching proficiency and dive into the vast array of career opportunities that are waiting for you. Our most exclusive NCFE Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training course will open up a broad window for you!

Ofqual regulated NCFE Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training qualification will enable you to get high-quality education online. Because it is designed to aid in your professional development and progress, you can rely on this certification. With the special course materials that are online and accessible 24/7 from anywhere globally, you will be able to master the A-Z of education and training. The contents are designed to equip you with a fundamental and advanced understanding of all aspects of leadership and management, such as communication, relationship building, decision-making processes, innovation, and much more! You’ll also learn how to involve learners in the evaluation process and examine your own abilities, provide feedback, and maintain an inclusive learning environment.

This super-handy NCFE Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training curriculum breaks down the topics for easy understanding. It is a pathway for learners to continue building their own skills and knowledge to consistently keep growing their expert status and credibility in the Teaching sector. You will also achieve a recognised credential that will add value to your resume and give you a boost in your career.

Register right now without wasting a bit of time! 

Disclaimer: Please note that this qualification is available only for learners who are currently residing in the UK.

Learning Outcomes

Guided Learning Hours

Guided Learning Hours estimate how much time a mentor, classroom facilitator, or other professional educator spends on average consulting with a student, either face to face or in real-time, to help the student achieve the course’s learning outcomes at a satisfactory level. 

GLH for this qualification is 360 hours.

Total Qualification Time

Total Qualification Time comprises of the Guided Learning Hours for the qualification and an estimate of the number of hours a learner will reasonably be likely to spend in preparation, study, or any other form of participation in education or training, including assessment, which takes place as directed by – but not under the immediate guidance or supervision of – a lecturer, supervisor, Tutor or other appropriate providers of education or training.

TQT for this qualification is 1200 Hours.

Method of Assessment

Each learner must create a portfolio of evidence generated from appropriate assessment tasks, which demonstrates achievement of all the learning outcomes associated with each unit. Upon completing each unit, learners must declare that the work produced is their own, and the Assessor will countersign this. 

The learner will complete internally assessed work following the qualification specification. 

Who is this course for?

The qualification provides an introduction to teaching and aims to meet the needs of a range of trainee teachers, such as:

Observed and Assessed Practice Requirements

A minimum of 8 observations, totaling at least 8 hours, is required for the NCFE Level 5 DET, excluding any observed practice completed during the Level 3 Award in Education and Training. Each observation must be a minimum of 30 minutes and should be strategically spaced throughout the program to track the trainee teacher’s progress effectively. These observations must occur in a teaching and learning environment and must be linked to the mandatory units:

Learners are responsible for arranging observers with specific qualifications and experience. The observer must not be affiliated with the same organisation as the learner. Before conducting any teaching observation sessions, learners must inform the center.

Observer eligibility criteria include:

Once an observer is selected, learners must communicate with the center to complete necessary formalities.

Career Path

This credential will enhance your chances in the teaching and training sector and assist you in obtaining further higher education qualifications. You will have the ability to accomplish a lot of things with this certificate. Here are just a few examples:


To learn about what each qualification means, please check out this file.

To learn about the differences between Award, Diploma and Certificate, please read this file.

After enrolling, you will receive your log in details for our learning platform. Here you will find the resources, guidance, assignments and tips you need to succeed with your studies. You will get dedicated support from a student mentor who will provide you with the tips and guidance throughout the course. The mentor will guide you in understanding the guidance, learning outcomes and assessment criteria for the course and will also suggest additional study materials so that you can study the topics thoroughly. You will have a clear understanding of the requirements of each unit for getting qualified. You can contact with the mentor through email any time. After submitting all the assignments, you will get detailed feedback from our qualified assessor, if needed. It will help you prepare in the best possible way and find out any flaws that can prevent you getting qualified.

Yes, all the costs are included in the price. However, you may have to pay some extra for certain condition and qualification.

Yes. As well as being accredited by an industry leading Institute, your course is also regulated and approved by Ofqual, the governing body for Qualifications in the UK. This means you can study any of our courses safe in the knowledge that upon completion of your studies you will receive a certificate of your educational achievement which will be recognised globally.

To learn about the difference between CPD course and Regulated Qualification, please read this file.

UCAS points (also known as UCAS Tariff points) are a way of measuring the relative value of all post-16 qualifications in the UK.

Course Curriculum

Induction Form
Induction Form 00:05:00
Registration Entry Form
Registration Entry Form 00:05:00
SafeRead Passcode: Unlock Your Study Materials
SafeRead Passcode: Unlock Your Study Materials 00:00:00
Introduction to the Course
An Introduction to the Diploma in Education and Training 00:00:00
Glossary of Educational Terms 00:00:00
Verbs used in the Diploma in Education and Training Units 00:00:00
Educational Abbreviations and Acronyms 00:00:00
Hints and Tips for Creating and Using Handouts and Visual Presentations 00:00:00
Online Safety 00:00:00
Tips for New Teachers and Trainers 00:00:00
Attitudes Affecting Behaviour 00:00:00
Beginners Guide to Referencing 00:00:00
Study Materials
Topic 01
Teaching Roles Responsibilites and Legislation 00:00:00
Table of Examples of Teaching Roles and Responsibilities 00:00:00
Boundaries of Teaching 00:00:00
Topic 02
Initial and Diagnostic Assessment, Learner needs and Points of Referral 00:00:00
Demonstrating Good Practice to Promote Inclusion 00:00:00
Table of Examples of Potential Needs and Points of Referra 00:00:00
Template – Initial and Diagnostic Assessmen 00:00:00
Topic 03
Designing Schemes of Work, Group Profiles and Session Plans 00:00:00
Example Completed Scheme of Work 00:00:00
Completed Example Scheme of Work Rationale 00:00:00
Example Completed Session Plan 00:00:00
Template – Scheme of Work Rationale 00:00:00
Template – Scheme of Work 00:00:00
Topic 04
Using Resources and Technology 00:00:00
Table of Resources 00:00:00
List of Technologies 00:00:00
Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Technology 00:00:00
Resource Box 00:00:00
Assistive Resources 00:00:00
Topic 05
Theories, Principles and Models of Learning 00:00:00
Examples of Meeting VARK Learning Preferences 00:00:00
Topic 06
Teaching and Learning Approaches, Communication 00:00:00
Theories, Principles and Models of Communication 00:00:00
Examples of Verbal and Non Verbal Communication 00:00:00
Checklist for Verbal, Listening, Non Verbal and Written Communication 00:00:00
Topic 07
Assessing Learning 00:00:00
Theories, Principles and Models of Assessment 00:00:00
The Teaching and Learning Cycle 00:00:00
Table of Assessment Types 00:00:00
Assessment Methods and Approaches 00:00:00
Table of Assessment Methods, Approaches and Activities 00:00:00
Table of Assessment Requirements 00:00:00
Table of Peer and Self Assessment Advantages and Limitations 00:00:00
Using Questions 00:00:00
Minimising Risks 00:00:00
Key Feedback Words 00:00:00
Group Profile Completed Example 00:00:00
Template – Group Profile 00:00:00
Template – Individual Learning Plan 00:00:00
Template – Workshop Plan 00:00:00
Templates – Assessment Records 00:00:00
Completed Example of Assessment Records 00:00:00
Topic 08
Theories, Principles and Models of Curriculum Development 00:00:00
Topic 09
Theories, Principles and Models of Reflection and Evaluation 00:00:00
Example Completed Reflective Learning Journal 00:00:00
Table of Objectives at Different Levels 00:00:00
Template – Reflective Learning Journal 00:00:00
Reviewing Own Practice Planning and Evaluation 00:00:00
Table of Strengths and Limitations of Teaching and Learning Approaches 00:00:00
Example Completed Personal Development Plan 00:00:00
Example Completed CPD Record 00:00:00
Checklist for Demonstrating a Task 00:00:00
Example Completed Self Evaluation Form 00:00:00
Template – Personal Development Plan 00:00:00
Template – CPD Record 00:00:00
Template – Session Plan Pro-forma 00:00:00
Template – Self Evaluation of a Delivered Session Pro-forma 00:00:00
Template – Course Evaluation 00:00:00
Topic 10
The Teaching and Learning Environment, Behaviour and Respect, Equality and Diversity 00:00:00
Working With an LSA 00:00:00
Identifying Inequality 00:00:00
Learner Differences 00:00:00
Ways to Promote and Advance Equality 00:00:00
The Environment – Examples of Physical, Social and Learning Aspects 00:00:00
Safeguarding Prevent British Values 00:00:00
Equality and Diversity – Glossary of Terms 00:00:00
Checklist for Equality and Diversity 00:00:00
Topic 11
The Minimum Core 00:00:00
Checklist – Minimum Core Personal Skills 00:00:00
Topic 12
Observations and Teaching Practice 00:00:00
Starter and Closing Activities 00:00:00
Facilitating Group Learning 00:00:00
Facilitating Individual Learning 00:00:00
Extension Activities 00:00:00
Pre Course Assessment Diploma 00:00:00
Checklist for Teaching 00:00:00
Observation Checklist (DET) 00:00:00
Teaching Practice Log Information 00:00:00
Template – Teaching Practice Log 00:00:00
Sample Action Plan for the Diploma in Education and Training 00:00:00
Five Minute Session Plan 00:00:00
Example Three Stage Session Plan 00:00:00
Topic 13
Professionalism and Professional Values 00:00:00
Working With Other Professionals 00:00:00
Topic 14
Education Policy and the Curriculum 00:00:00
Topic 15
Stakeholders and External Bodies 00:00:00
Stakeholders and External Bodies in Education and Training 00:00:00
Topic 16
Organisational Context of Education and Training 00:00:00
Topic 17
Quality Improvement and Quality Assurance 00:00:00
Quality Cycle 00:00:00
The Role of a Lead IQA Role 00:00:00
Possible Risks for an Internal Quality Assurer 00:00:00
Templates – IQA Records 00:00:00
Example – IQA Templates 00:00:00
Preparing for an External Quality Assurance Visit 00:00:00
Example Self-evaluation for a Taught Session 00:00:00
Self-evaluation for a Taught Session 00:00:00
Surveys and Questionnaires 00:00:00
Mandatory Units
Assignment Preparation Guideline 00:00:00
Unit 01: Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Education and Training
Guidance to Achieving the Unit 00:00:00
Assignment: DET Unit 1 00:00:00
Unit 02: Developing Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Education and Training
Guidance to Achieving the Unit 00:00:00
Assignment: DET Unit 2 00:00:00
Unit 03: Theories, Principles and Models in Education and Training
Guidance to Achieving the Unit 00:00:00
Assignment: DET Unit 3 00:00:00
Unit 04: Wider Professional Practice and Development in Education and Training
Guidance to Achieving the Unit 00:00:00
Assignment: DET Unit 4 00:00:00
Optional Units - Unit 01: Developing, Using and Organising Resources in a Specialist Area
Developing Using and Organising Resource 00:00:00
Assignment: Optional Unit 1 – Developing, Using and Organising Resources in a Specialist Area 00:00:00
Optional Units - Unit 02: Inclusive Practice
Policy and Regulatory Frameworks on Inclusive Practice 00:00:00
Maintaining Inclusive Learning Environment 00:00:00
Inclusive Practice Roles and Responsibilities 00:00:00
Factors Influencing Learning 00:00:00
Evaluating Own Inclusive Practice 00:00:00
Assignment: Optional Unit 2 – Inclusive Practice 00:00:00
Optional Units - Unit 03: Effective Partnership Working in the Learning and Teaching Context
The Purpose of Partnership Working 00:00:00
Reporting on a Partnership’s Output 00:00:00
Purpose and Nature of Partnership Working 00:00:00
Partnership Roles and Responsibilities 00:00:00
Management of Partnerships 00:00:00
Ground Rules and Timescales 00:00:00
Context Within Which a Partnership Operates 00:00:00
Communicating Effectively Within a Partnership 00:00:00
Assignment: Optional Unit 3 – Effective Partnership Working in the Learning and Teaching Context 00:00:00
Submit your Assignment
Assignment Submission Guideline 00:00:00
Assignment Submission Checklist 00:00:00
Submit Your Assignments 00:00:00

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