Simple carbohydrates
The simple carbohydrates get rapidly broken down by the body and converted to energy. Simple carbs can be found in foods like fruits, milk, and dairy products. One of the major sources of simple carbohydrate is white bread.
Complex carbohydrates
Complex carbohydrates are long, complex chains of sugar or glucose molecules. It is found in foods like peas, beans, whole grains, and vegetables.
Main Sources of Carbohydrate
Both simple and complex carbohydrates are changed into glucose (blood sugar) in the body and are used as energy. But if you have more simple carbohydrate before a workout, it may not last long and leave you drained out of energy by the end. Complex carbohydrates take longer to break down. As a result, it gives a slow and long boost of energy during exercise. It is ideal to have more complex carbohydrates before a workout.
During short and high-intensity exercise, the glycogen in our muscles is the main source of energy. If muscle and liver glycogen stores are insufficient, proper carbohydrate consumption before exercise can assist in stabilising blood glucose levels. As a result, it will provide the amount of energy that you need during work out.
But when we do a longer session, the level of carbohydrate from our body varies due to different factors. These factors are:
- The intensity of the exercise
- The duration of the exercise,
- The state or type of training that the individual has engaged in, or both
- The diet previously consumed
Carbohydrate has been found in numerous studies to increase glycogen storage and usage while also increasing carb oxidation during exercise.
Here are the main sources of carbohydrate that you can eat before a workout.
- Banana
- Oats
- Whole grain bread
- Broccoli, sweet potatoes, and other vegetables
- Whole-grain pasta
- Beans
- Lentils
- Brown rice
- Yoghurt